Solution to Any Task
CZ.TECH Čelákovice, a.s.
CNC Machine Tools
At present, our company CZ.TECH manufactures and offers the first CNC machines designed with a control system SIEMENS ONE

Horizontal CNC lathes

Vertical turning centres

Spot-facing machines

Robotized workplaces

Special machines

Automatic manufacturing lines
Scope of business:
production and development
of modern CNC machines,
construction of single-purpose machines, design of mechanical
and electrical equipment, business
Representation of companies:
EMAG – vertical CNC turning centres,
MCU – Toolinspect control of machining processes,
UTTec – Toolmonitoring + Process Optimization (www.uttec.de).
CZ.TECH Čelákovice, a.s.
Stankovského 1200/46,
250 88 Čelákovice,
Czech Republic
Tel.: 326 993 844
Fax: 326 993 845
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.